The Reverend’s Beastly Manservant (Rovasti Huuskosen petomainen miespalvelija)

A fantastic display of absurdism, even by Paasilinna standards. Shortlisted for the 2007 Prix Femina Prize.

Reverend Huuskonen is conducting a strange marriage ceremony: one between two bears. But everything goes wrong when the village caterer is burnt to a crisp on an electricity pylon. The villagers decide that Huuskonen must adopt one of the bears, and the two get on like a house on fire—the reverend even teaches his new charge to perform household chores, give religious rituals and a few dance steps, too. But it isn’t all plain sailing.

Title: The Reverend’s Beastly Manservant (Rovasti Huuskosen petomainen miespalvelija)
Published: 1995
